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Which yoga mat is best? Let’s find out

Can’t decide which yoga mat to buy? If you practice yoga regularly, investing in a good yoga mat is so so important. However, with the hundreds of options available in the market, choosing one can be overwhelming.

Before we start, you should know that there is no single ‘best yoga mat’, and that’s because everyone is different. Instead, you need to look for a yoga mat that’s best for you.

To find out which yoga mat is best for you, here are a few factors you need to consider:

1. Grip

Having a grippy mat is super important to ensure you don’t slip, especially if you practice Vinyasa Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga or Power Yoga. Having your hands and feet sliding during your asanas is not only frustrating, but dangerous too.

What to look for: Polyutherane (PU) yoga mats have an amazing grip, whereas cork and suede yoga mats get grippier as you sweat.

2. Mat Thickness

If you’re yoga mat is too thin, there is a chance you may injure your joints during your practice. And if it’s too thick, you may lose balance and the ability to stay grounded.

What to look for: For yoga mats with a rubber base, try to aim between 3-5mm thick. 3mm is great if you practice on a softer surface (beach, grass, carpet) and 5mm would be better if you suffer from any joint pain.

For mats with a denser base, like foam or TPE, try to go up by another 1-2 mm.

3. Colour & Design

Think of your yoga mat as your own personal happy place. Instead of buying into trends, look for a mat that you really connect with. Colours play a big part in affecting your mood, and designs can really empower your practice – so choose one that you love.

What to look for: If you want a yoga mat that makes you feel calm, choose pastels or lighter colours. For an energy boost, bright colours work better. As for the design, look for something that makes you feel empowered, something that you can relate to.

4. Materials & Quality

It’s always important to know what materials your yoga mat is made from, where they’re sourced, and whether or not they’re eco-friendly. Investing in a high quality mat is also more sustainable, as it will it last you a long time. Try to avoid mats that contain PVC, as they are toxic, for you and the environment.

What to look for: Cork yoga mats are one of the best. Organic cotton, hemp, jute, suede and PU yoga mats are durable too.

5. Brand Values

Last but not least, when you make any purchase, you are helping that brand grow. So before clicking on ‘add to cart’, do some research to make sure it’s a company or small business you’d be happy to support. Try to avoid buying yoga mats from global sportswear brands, and focus on stores that specialize in yoga mats – it may be more expensive, but there is a huge difference in quality.

What to look for: Check the company’s core values, who they are and why they started. Find out what causes they are passionate about, and whether they give back to the community. Are they really eco-friendly, or is it just one of their products? Are the products made locally? Read reviews, and find out about their customer service or return policy.

Now that you’ve considered all of the above factors, happy shopping!

Not sure where to start looking? Here are some yoga mat brands we would recommend:

1. Meow Yoga (of course) – for grippy yoga mats with meaningful designs, and up to 5mm thick

2. Liforme – for PU yoga mats in every colour

3. Jade Yoga – for grippy, rubber yoga mats

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